First Day of School 2020 – Tips From Real Parents Like You

Kids on first school day


The first day of school is an exciting and nerve-wracking time for both children and parents. As the 2020 school year begins, it is important to navigate the unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide valuable tips and insights from real parents like you to help make the first day of school a positive and successful experience for your child.

Section 1 Preparing Ahead of Time

1.1 Communicate with the School

Reach out to the school to gather information about any new protocols or guidelines in place due to the pandemic. Understand the school’s plan for social distancing, mask-wearing, and hygiene practices. This will help you prepare your child and ensure a smooth transition on the first day.

1.2 Talk to Your Child

Have an open conversation with your child about their feelings and expectations regarding the first day of school. Address any concerns they may have and provide reassurance. Explain the safety measures in place and help them understand the importance of following them.

1.3 Establish a Routine

Start adjusting your child’s sleep schedule a few weeks before school starts to ensure they are well-rested. Create a morning routine that includes time for breakfast, getting dressed, and any necessary preparations. This will help them feel organized and ready for the day.

1.4 Prepare Supplies and Materials

Make a checklist of all the supplies and materials your child will need for school. Purchase them ahead of time to avoid last-minute stress. Include items such as backpacks, notebooks, pencils, and any required protective equipment like masks and hand sanitizers.

Section 2 Managing First Day Jitters

2.1 Share Your Own Experiences

Share stories from your own school days to help your child feel more at ease. Discuss your favorite memories, challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. This will create a sense of connection and show your child that feeling nervous is normal.

2.2 Visit the School Ahead of Time

If possible, take a trip to the school before the first day. Walk around the campus, locate classrooms, and familiarize your child with the surroundings. This will help alleviate anxiety by providing a sense of familiarity.

2.3 Arrange Playdates or Virtual Meetings

If your child knows other students who will be in their class, arrange playdates or virtual meetings before the first day. This will give them a chance to connect with their peers and build relationships, which can make the first day more enjoyable.

Section 3 On the First Day

3.1 Allow Extra Time

Give yourself and your child extra time on the first day to avoid rushing. This will help reduce stress and allow for any unexpected delays. Arriving early will also give your child a chance to settle in and feel more comfortable before the class begins.

3.2 Say Goodbye with Confidence

When saying goodbye to your child, show confidence and reassurance. Keep the farewell brief and positive. Remind them that you will be there to pick them up at the end of the day and that you have faith in their ability to navigate the new environment.

3.3 Follow Up and Celebrate

After the first day, engage your child in conversation about their experience. Ask about their favorite part of the day, any challenges they faced, and how they felt overall. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and commend their bravery for starting a new school year.

Section 4 Nurturing Emotional Well-being

4.1 Validate Feelings

Throughout the first day and beyond, acknowledge and validate your child’s feelings. It is normal for them to experience a mix of emotions, including excitement, nervousness, and even fear. Let them know

that it’s okay to feel this way and reassure them that you’re there to support them.

4.2 Foster Open Communication

Encourage your child to express their thoughts and emotions about school. Create a safe and non-judgmental space where they can share their experiences, challenges, and successes. Listen actively and offer empathy and understanding.

4.3 Teach Coping Strategies

Help your child develop effective coping strategies to manage any stress or anxiety they may experience. Teach deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, or journaling as tools to calm their minds and process their emotions. Encourage them to engage in activities they enjoy to relax and unwind.

4.4 Encourage Social Connections

Support your child in building social connections with their classmates. Encourage them to initiate conversations, join school clubs or activities, and participate in group projects. Foster a sense of belonging and community by organizing playdates or virtual hangouts with their new friends.

Section 5 Adapting to Changing Circumstances

5.1 Stay Informed

Stay updated with any changes or updates from the school or local authorities regarding COVID-19 protocols. Be prepared to adapt your routines and plans accordingly to ensure the safety and well-being of your child.

5.2 Maintain Flexibility

Recognize that the first day of school may not go exactly as planned. Be flexible and patient as your child adjusts to the new environment and routines. Embrace the opportunity for growth and learning, both for your child and for yourself as a parent.

5.3 Seek Support if Needed

If your child continues to struggle with the transition to school or shows signs of distress, don’t hesitate to seek support from the school counselor, teachers, or mental health professionals. They can provide guidance and resources to address any challenges your child may face.


The first day of school in 2020 may bring a mix of excitement and uncertainty. By following the tips and insights shared by real parents like you, you can help your child navigate this important milestone with confidence and resilience. Remember to prioritize open communication, emotional well-being, and adaptability as you support your child’s transition into the new school year. With your guidance and support, they will thrive and embrace the opportunities for growth and learning that lie ahead.

Monika Wasserman
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Author: Monika Wasserman
Medicine, Queen Mary University of London Monika Wassermann is a doctor and a freelance writer based in the UK who lives with her cat Buddy. She writes across several verticals, including life, health, sex and love, relationships and fitness. Her three great loves are Victorian novels, Lebanese cuisine, and vintage markets. When she’s not writing, you can find her trying to meditate more, weightlifting, or wandering around in town. [email protected]